Meet the Bolton Chiropractic Team
Brenda is our Office Manager. She is the “go to” person when there are questions about billing and insurance. She is a very active mother with two boys who love sports and keep her hopping (and sometimes ducking!) Brenda always has a calm and cool way about her and is good to have around when things get crazy.
Colleen has been with Bolton Chiropractic since 2006. She is that cheery voice you’ll usually hear if you call in the mornings during the week. Trained in culinary arts, Colleen can always be counted on for ideas when it comes to food preparation or menus. Her husband, Matt, is always willing to try the gastronomical delights she comes up with.
Joan has been with us since 2006. She prefers working in the afternoons so that’s when you’ll see her, as well as on Saturdays. If you get her started on beading, look out! She’s passionate about her crafts, and does beautiful work. She also likes having her back adjusted and finds it helps her maintain an active life.
Lynn is the “youngster” on our team. Her easy smile and relaxed appearance hides the fact that she’s the mother of a young son. As you would expect from a young adult, Lynn likes her cell phone and “Facebook” page. She approaches phone texting like it’s an olympic sport and embraces technology with the ease and abandon of most people her age. A valued member of the team, she usually works evenings and Saturdays.